SSMService Standard Manual
Service Tools

Customer Engagement Steps


We want our customers to connect with us, have great experiences and become loyal.

The Customer Engagement Steps enlivens our three behaviours and can be used during the 5 points of contact. Through 3 steps you can build relationships, quickly and casually.

Let's take a look at these steps in more detail!

Step 1: Free Information

Free information is something personal to your customer they freely share with you during an interaction. It could be their reason for travel, what they do for work, where they live or their favourite food!

It may seem simple but it is not always easy to identify free must remain alert and listen attentively!

Can you think of examples of free information you heard from customers recently?

Step 2: Acknowledge & Ask

When you identify free information, you should acknowledge and ask a follow up question. This shows you have listened, you are interested and you care!

While interacting with a customer, you identify that your customer is traveling to visit family. You could say…… 'Visiting family is fun! Do you have any exciting plans during your visit?'.

Perhaps your customer told you they are visiting their new-born grandson. You could acknowledge that and ask his name, when was he born or is he the first grandchild!

How would you move to Step 2: Acknowledge & Ask with the recent examples you thought of in Step 1?

Step 3: Give Something Back

Now it’s time for you to give something back!

There are three rules:

  1. It must be relevant
  2. It must be true
  3. Keep it positive and fun

For example, your customer told you their new-born grandsons name is Daniel. You could say you love the name Daniel and your son’s name is Daniel (if that is true!).

How would you move to Step 3: Give Something Back with the recent examples you thought of?